News Archive

February 2010
This week I have moved back down to the Teddington area to train under Eric Farrell's guidance, my coach of 15 years now. Really exciting to be getting stuck back into it training hard in the gym, pool, running and of course out on the water in my new Nelo Vanquish III. Pretty cold on the water at the moment but good all the same to be out in the fresh air on the Thames again. It was pretty tough to have to leave my medical career for a second time to persue my Olympic ambition having enjoyed 18 months back working mostly full time as a doctor.
Now it's just the simple case of training hard to re-build the muscle and fitness on a refreshed body and look forward to racing again. UK Sport Lottery fund and my two sponsors Matrix Fitness and Gatorade will support me along the journey to the London Olympics and hopefully another Olympic Gold medal. In the meantime I am enjoying pushing my body again and watching as much of the Winter Olympics as possible between sessions.
16th February 2010
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