News Archive

October 2006
We are three weeks back into training now and everything is going well. Our 12 days on 2 days off training schedule is working out well and it feels good to be training hard again. This weekend we had the first of our profiling weekends. There was a special presentation this evening where I was awarded the British Olympic Association trophy for the British Canoe Union Athlete of the Year. This is the first time it has ever been awarded and I feel really honoured to have my achievements recognised in this way. See the photos.
22nd October 2006

Well, coming to the end of the first week of training after what seemed to pass as a very quick and busy time off after the Worlds. Muscles are really aching from starting back into weights, but that will pass. After the great season I had I am really looking forward to next season for Olympic qualification. A long way to go and a lot of training ahead but I thrive on it!

6th October 2006
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