News Archive

October 2007
Had a great surprise the other day at our end of season function in Bisham Abbey. The BCU managed to organise providing me a stunning new VW Golf GT Sport TDI for my results this year, winning the World Championships. It was a total shock and very much aprreciated. It's a fantastic car, great fuel economy and very comfortable to drive. Another nice suprise was that I was awarded the BCU athlete of the year trophy again.
To go with my posh new car, Thule (Swedish roof rack system company) generously agreed to provide me with a set of their Hydroglide 873 kayak racks and two Pro-ride 591 roof mounted cycle carriers. The racks hold my boat really securely and spread the load over large padded feet that form to the shape of the hull. The cycle racks are amazing too, really high quality and light weight. Perfect for transporting my bikes places to train. I have put some photos of my new car and the racks in use here.
24th October 2007
Well, I am now just about to start my third week back into training in the build up to the Olympic Games 2008. Really looking forward to a solid winter of hard graft. Had some good time off, went to Canada for a 200m knockout event which was a lot of fun. I had a great time out there and was looked after very well by Adam Van K and the organisers. Also managed to fit in a 4 day surfing trip with a few of the British paddlers back in Devon before training started again.
The new logo on the front page is because I have become an athlete ambassador for the charity, Right To Play. Please have a look at the page about it all which is at the bottom of the left hand menu.
Right now I am at the French National altitude training centre in Font Romeu, in the Pyrenees. It is a well equiped place in the mountains at 1800m with stunning scenery. They have 2 gyms, a 50m and a 25m swimming pool plus loads of other facilities. The weather has been great so far and we are all getting some top quality land based training done. There are some photos here from the camp.
7th October 2007
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