News Archive

April 2007
This evening I had the most fun i've had in a long time! My sister and her husband for my 30th Birthday present gave me a freefall session in the Aikix wind tunnel, Milton Keynes. Having never done anything like this before I was very excited and perhaps a little nervous! It was absolutely fantastic fun and definately something i'd like to do again. The instructor, Frazer was amazingly skilled and made the whole experience superb. Check out the photos here and the Airkix website. Check out the video too. Tomorrow I head off to Croatia for a  training camp before the first World Cup regatta there in two weeks time.
21st April 2007
This weekend was the first domestic regatta of the season held in Nottingham. The weather was fantastic with fair conditions and virtually no wind. I can't remember ever having raced a Nottingham regatta in April with such perfect weather. I felt I raced well to win the 1000m and 500m K1's comfortably without having to push too hard in the second half of each race. The times were reasonable for the conditions and stage in training at this time of year so I couldn't have hoped for a better start to the year. It was good to see a few younger faces on the team working their way up the ranks too. Results from this weekend have earned me selection for both distances at the first two World Cups which will be in May. We leave on Sunday for Zagreb to spend 12 days training there in the build up to the first World Cup. I'm looking forward to getting my teeth stuck into the international racing season this year.
16th April 2007
The last and longest of our training camps in Seville is now over. We were there for 3 weeks this time and again had good weather and water conditions. Maintained a high volume of training and started to introduce some race practice/pace work which has been going well. The first regatta of the season is in 10 days which will be selection for the first World Cup races of the season beginning in May. All in all I have had a very good winters training with no illness or injury so should be in good shape for the start of this Olympic qualifying season. I have added a bit of unfortunately rather low quality footage of a training session I did in Seville last week with the K2s on the videos page.
4th April 2007
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